Non-Fiction Books

In America’s small business landscape, the fail-success rate leans entirely too far in favor of failure. Past experiences provided the author with invaluable insight into many of the reasons. Adam Starks’ Vultured is part autobiography, part self-help book highlighting the dark side of entrepreneurship by identifying pitfalls in the decision-making process of starting and running a small business. By serving as a cautionary tale, the book warns against all such mistakes one can make that may result in landing on the failing side of a small business venture.
Broken Child Mended Man
Broken Child Mended Man is a raw, but compelling memoir touching on childhood neglect, years in foster care, and overcoming the odds to become a success story. Highlighting the ups and downs as a ward of the state during his formative years, Adam manages to reveal human resilience in its most authentic form. Through a life of trial and error, the author displays bountiful courage to achieve life’s milestones without a role model. Broken Child Mended Man is one of this year’s best surprises for readers from every walk of life. The surprisingly positive message throughout the book will help any reader establish solid footing as they seek purpose and the will to persevere through life’s hardships.