
About Adam Starks
Dr. Adam Starks’ love of writing began at an early age and served as an escape from tough beginnings. Today, Adam is a multi-genre author of books ranging from his autobiography, Broken Child Mended Man, to children’s book, Love Will Find Your Home, to his first work of fiction, The Eden Trilogy. Currently, he is working on multiple writing projects including works of fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and more children’s books. Follow by subscribing to Adam’s blog newsletter for up-to-date info.
Dr. Starks is also a podcast host for Fostering Success – a show dedicated to encouraging and empowering people toward their definition of success and Vultured – a show aimed at influencing systemic change to address the high failure rates for small businesses.
Dr. Adam Starks is also a motivational keynote speaker on topics ranging from foster care, child welfare. As a product of the foster care system that broke the cycle, he empowers education and child welfare professionals to uplift at-promise youth toward positive outcomes. During his downtime, he enjoys writing, reading, playing old-school video games, exploring new foods and drinks, traveling, and spending time with his wife and three children.
For more info, you can check him out on the following websites:
A self-described enigmatic old soul in search of his tribe, Adam prides himself on exploring and obtaining knowledge from many walks of life to discover the deeper meaning of being. To paraphrase an old, but familiar quote:
“A jack of all trades, but a master of some, is still better than a master of one for me to focus on.”